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Creation :  2021-01-26 22:18:35  by Corinne Bonnet
Latest Edition :  2024-05-22 14:46:03  by Corinne Bonnet

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Dedication
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Medium Category Architecture
Medium Altar
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#5565 IGLS VIII 286
#1931 La fête au village p. 547-548, fig. 10
#1609 Deir el-Qalaa p. 613
#12 SEG 63, 1495 ; 49, 1989
#1932 Hiérarchies divines dans la colonie romaine de Berytus
Precision: 5
Post Quem 1
Ante Quem 300
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity
Region Near East
Sub-region Syria
Place Qalaa   View on Pleiades   34.444834, 36.056059
Functions Cult
Commentary The sanctuary of Deir el-Qalaa, whose ruins lie near the village of Beitméry, on a foothill of Lebanon, dominates Beirut, on the north bank of the Beirut River, the ancient Magoras. There are four sectors: to the south-west, at the top of the promontory overlooking the city of Beirut, the great temple dedicated to Jupiter Balmarcod and partially included since the 18th century in the monastery of Saint John the Baptist ; immediately to the north and below the great temple, the cult esplanade delimited by a portico, which includes a small temple attributed to Juno Queen; to the north-east, the ancient rural settlement; to the west and east, on the rocky flanks of the promontory, an area of quarry and necropolis.
Le sanctuaire de Deir el-Qalaa, dont les ruines se trouvent à proximité du village de Beitméry, sur un contrefort du Liban, domine Beyrouth, sur la rive nord du fleuve de Beyrouth, l'antique Magoras. On distingue quatre ensembles : au sud-ouest, en haut du promontoire qui domine la ville de Beyrouth, le grand temple consacré à Jupiter Balmarcod, partiellement englobé depuis le XVIIIe siècle dans le monastère Saint-Jean-Baptiste ; immédiatement au nord et en contrebas du grand temple, l’esplanade cultuelle délimitée par un portique, qui comprend un petit temple attribué à Junon Reine ; vers le nord-est, l’agglomération rurale antique ; à l’ouest et à l’est, sur les flancs rocheux du promontoire, une zone de carrière et de nécropole.
Testimony With restitution
#5232 l. 1-5 [Κ]υρίῳ [γ]ε[ν]-
ναίῳ Βαλ-
τῷ καὶ Μη-
#5233 l. 5-9 κατὰ
θεοῦ Ἀ-

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