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Creation :  2021-01-17 16:14:03  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2024-01-25 17:15:46  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Decree, Honorific
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Stele / Cippus
Medium Stele
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#2076 IG II2 1089+ et IG II2 1075+ p. 778-792
#221 IG II2 1075 + 2291c+
#1451 IG III 55+
#1894 Études épigraphiques p. 227-237
#1895 Hadrian and the Technitai p. 158-160
#1896 Décret de Thyatire p. 309
#1897 Decree of Thyatira p. 13-14
#12 SEG 30, 89 ; cf. 45, 135 ; 47, 162
#87 BE 1966, 144 ; 2021, 196
Precision: 2
Post Quem 132
Ante Quem 161
Commentary After 132 CE, under the reign of Hadrian (Follet & Peppas Delmousou 2019) or Antoninus Pius (Jones 1999).
Après 132 de n.è., sous le règne d'Hadrien (Follet & Peppas Delmousou 2019) ou d'Antonin le Pieux (Jones 1999).
Discovery Location
Precision: 1
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Athenai (Athenaios) (IACP: 361)
Region Inland Greece
Sub-region Attica
Place Athenae   View on Pleiades   37.9751765, 23.7263452
Functions Urban area
Original Location
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Athenai (Athenaios) (IACP: 361)
Region Inland Greece
Sub-region Attica
Place Athenae   View on Pleiades   37.9751765, 23.7263452
Site Acropolis of Athens   View on Pleiades
Topographies Heights (Mountain / Hill / Rock)
Functions Cult , Urban area
Commentary Three groups of fragments (a-c). The two biggest blocks, fr. b (IG III 55) and c (IG II² 1075), were found on the Acropolis, E of the Propylaia. The three other fragments, which are joining, were discovered on the S slope of the Acropolis (IG II² 2291c) and in modern houses walls, at the N foot of the Areopagus (Agora I, 155) and outside of the Agora, to the SW (Agora I, 1267).
Athenian copy of a decree of the city of Synnada honouring Hadrian for his benefactions (or Antoninus Pius, according to Jones 1999?).
Trois groupes de fragments (a-c). Les deux plus gros blocs, les fr. b (IG III 55) et c (IG II² 1075), ont été trouvés sur l'Acropole, à l'E des Propylées. Les trois autres fragments, jointifs (fr. a), ont été découverts sur le versant S de l'Acropole (IG II² 2291c) et dans les murs de maisons modernes, au pied du versant N de l'Aréopage (Agora I, 155) et au SO de l'Agora, à l'extérieur de la place (Agora I, 1267).
Copie athénienne d'un décret de la cité de Synnada honorant Hadrien pour ses bienfaits (ou Antonin le Pieux, selon Jones 1999 ?).
Testimony With restitution
#5084 l. 43 [τῆς Ὁμονοίας τῶν Ἑλλήνων καὶ Διὸς το]ῦ Ἐλευθερίου
#5085 fr. c, l. 18-19 τ̣οῦ Διὸς τοῦ Πανδή-
#5086 fr. a + d-e, l. 4-5 [Τραι]-
α̣νοῦ Ἁδριαν̣[οῦ Σεβαστοῦ Ὀ]λ̣υμπίου Π̣α̣[νελληνίου Δι]ός, μόνου [- - -]
#5087 fr. c, l. 14 θ̣εοῖς εὐ̣χ̣ό̣με̣θα πᾶσι

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