View Source #3731
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Creation : 2021-01-13 19:13:01 by Corinne Bonnet
Latest Edition : 2024-05-22 14:53:49 by Corinne Bonnet
Creation : 2021-01-13 19:13:01 by Corinne Bonnet
Latest Edition : 2024-05-22 14:53:49 by Corinne Bonnet
Project | ERC MAP Project | ||||||||||||||||||
Source Category | Epigraphy | ||||||||||||||||||
Source Types | Dedication | ||||||||||||||||||
Languages | Greek | ||||||||||||||||||
Main Title | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Author | |||||||||||||||||||
Material Category | Metal | ||||||||||||||||||
Material | Bronze | ||||||||||||||||||
Medium Category | Effigy | ||||||||||||||||||
Medium | Body part | ||||||||||||||||||
Text URL | | ||||||||||||||||||
Iconography ? | |||||||||||||||||||
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Bibliography |
Precision: 4 |
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2 |
Commentary |
From the collection of Péritié, Chancellor of the French Consulate in Beirut; published in 1879 as coming from Sidon, but probably acquired at the Sidon Antiques Market, in a lot of 5 votive hands probably from the Beqaa area. Preserved in the Athens Museum.
Provient de la collection Péritié, chancelier du consulat de France à Beyrouth ; publiée en 1879 comme provenant de Sidon, mais sans doute acquise au marché des antiquités de Sidon, dans un lot de 5 mains votives provenant probablement de la zone de la Beqaa. Conservée au Musée d'Athènes. |
Testimonies |