View Source #3462

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Creation :  2020-12-04 12:03:27  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2021-11-19 14:26:56  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Decree, Honorific, List
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Stele / Cippus
Medium Stele
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#81 Agora XV 232 + 246+
#221 IG II2 921 + 977+
#12 SEG 26, 113 ; 28, 88 ; 40, 117
#1787 Greek Inscriptions p. 282-283, n°77+
#1701 Prytaneis 68 + 88+
#714 ALC III p. 177-179
#87 BE 1977, 151
#1801 Prytany-Decree
Precision: 1
Post Quem -131
Ante Quem -130
Commentary Epikles archon (131/0 BCE).
Epiklês archonte (131/0 av. n.è.).
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Athenai (Athenaios) (IACP: 361)
Region Inland Greece
Sub-region Attica
Place Athenae   View on Pleiades   37.9751765, 23.7263452
Functions Urban area
Commentary Six fragments, found in several places in Athens.
See Agora XV and SEG 40, 117 for the line numbers, until the complete republication of all fragments.
Two decrees of the Athenian city-state (I, l. 1-20: People; II, l. 21-42: Council) honouring the prytany of (the tribe) Attalis (listed l. 43-66).
Six fragments, trouvés en divers endroits d'Athènes.
Cf. Agora XV et SEG 40, 117 pour la numérotation des lignes, en attendant la republication complète de l'ensemble des fragments.
Deux décrets de la cité (I, l. 1-20 : Peuple ; II, l. 21-42 : Conseil) d'Athènes honorant les prytanes de (la tribu) Attalis (listés l. 43-66).
Testimony With restitution
#4760 l. 7-9 τῶι τε Ἀπόλλωνι
[τῶι Π]ροστατηρίωι καὶ τεῖ Ἀ[ρτέμιδι τεῖ Βουλαίαι] καὶ τεῖ Φωσφόρωι καὶ τοῖς ἄλ-
[λοις θε]οῖς οἷς πάτριον ἦν
#4761 l. 34 τοῦ ἐπων[ύμου]

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