View Source #3292
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Creation : 2020-10-16 13:55:02 by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition : 2021-11-04 19:24:13 by Sylvain Lebreton
Creation : 2020-10-16 13:55:02 by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition : 2021-11-04 19:24:13 by Sylvain Lebreton
Project | ERC MAP Project | ||||||||||||||||||
Source Category | Epigraphy | ||||||||||||||||||
Source Types | Honorific | ||||||||||||||||||
Languages | Greek | ||||||||||||||||||
Main Title | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Author | |||||||||||||||||||
Material Category | Lithic | ||||||||||||||||||
Material | Marble | ||||||||||||||||||
Medium Category | Stele / Cippus | ||||||||||||||||||
Medium | Stele | ||||||||||||||||||
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Iconography ? | |||||||||||||||||||
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Bibliography |
Precision: 4 |
Discovery Location
Precision: 2 |
Original Location |
Commentary |
Stele remade from an orthostate block found in a tower of the Post Herulian wall, SW of the Agora. The inscription has been intentionally erased, but remains partly legible (albeit with difficulty). Inscription (possibly from an association, rather than from the polis) honouring a woman and her son. Bloc d'orthostate retravaillé en stèle, trouvé dans une tour de la muraille post-hérulienne, au SO de l'Agora. L'inscription a été intentionnellement effacée, mais reste en partie (quoique difficilement) lisible. Inscription (émanant peut-être d'une association, plutôt que de la cité) honorant une femme et son fils. |
Testimonies |