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Creation :  2020-05-23 19:41:29  by Giuseppina Marano
Latest Edition :  2023-03-25 17:01:58  by Giuseppina Marano

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Decree
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Material Limestone
Medium Category Architecture
Medium Seat / Throne
Text URL
Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#262 IGLS I 1
#1294 Reisen p. 272-278
Precision: 1
Post Quem -32
Ante Quem -31
Commentary The inscription is ascribable to the old age of Antiochus I of Commagene; it is not much earlier than 31 BCE.
L'inscription date de la vieillesse d'Antiochos Ier de Commagène ; elle n'est donc pas de beaucoup antérieure à l'an 31 av. n.è.
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity
Region Near East
Sub-region Commagene
Place Nemrut Dağı   View on Pleiades   37.9806564, 38.740815
Commentary Inscription continues, engraved on two columns, on the back of each of the five divine thrones, which stand on one and the other esplanade. The text of the eastern terrace is better preserved than that of the western terrace, but identical. Puchstein (1890, p. 272) melted them into a single label, pointing out with brackets what is missing from both texts.
Inscription se poursuivant, gravée sur deux colonnes, au dos de chacun des cinq trônes divins, qui se dressent sur l'une et l'autre esplanade. Le texte de la terrasse orientale est mieux conservé que celui de la terrasse occidentale, mais identique. Puchstein (1890, p. 272) les a fondus en un seul libellé, signalant par des crochets ce qui manque aux deux textes.
Testimony With restitution
#3316 A, col. 1b, l. 18-19 Διὸς Ὠρομάσδου
#3317 A, col. 2a, l. 10-13 Διός τε Ὠρομάσδου καὶ Ἀπόλ-
λωνος Μίθρου Ἡλίου Ἑρμοῦ καὶ Ἀρτά-
γνου Ἡρακλέους Ἄρεως ἐμῆς τε πα-
τρίδος παντρόφου Κομμαγηνῆς
#3318 A, col. 2a, l. 15 δαίμοσιν ἐπηκόοις
#3319 A, col. 2a, l. 18 θεῶν μεγάλων
#3320 A, col. 2b, l. 16 μεγάλων δαιμόνων
#3332 A, col. 2a, l. 6 δαιμόνων ἐπιφανῶν
#3409 A, col. 5a, l. 17-18 πατρῴους πάντας θε-
#3412 A, col. 5b, l. 3-4 δαίμονας καὶ θεοὺς

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