View Source #2325

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Creation :  2020-05-10 19:31:47  by Giuseppina Marano
Latest Edition :  2021-05-16 19:34:42  by Corinne Bonnet

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Dedication
Languages Greek, Nabataean
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Medium Category Architecture
Medium Block
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#2294 Nabataean Aramaic-Greek Inscriptions 23
#270 IGLS XIII 2, 9768a
Precision: 5
Post Quem 1
Ante Quem 400
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity
Region Near East
Sub-region Syria
Place Al-Ghariyah al-Sharqiyah   32.67858, 36.258716
Commentary Twin village of Ghariyah Gharbiyah, twenty-five minutes walk east. It runs along the wadi Dahab. It has not been systematically explored by travellers. Only G. Schumacher (1897), p. 137, who had found a large village of 155 houses and 750 inhabitants, points to an old church that had become a mosque.
Village jumeau de Ghariyah Gharbiyah, à vingt-cinq minutes de marche vers l'est. Il longe le wadi Dahab. Il n'a fait l'objet d'aucune exploration systématique des voyageurs. Seul G. Schumacher (1897), p. 137, qui y avait trouvé un gros village de 155 maisons et 750 habitants, y signale une ancienne église devenue mosquée.
Commentary In a wall, rectangular block used in height, apparently complete. 1 line of Greek and 1 line of Nabatean.
Dans un mur, bloc rectangulaire utilisé en hauteur, apparemment complet. 1 ligne de grec et 1 ligne de nabatéen.
Testimony With restitution
#3093 Gr, l. 1 ἰς θεὸν [Α]μερου
#8221 Nab., l. 2 lʾlh ʿmrw

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