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Creation :  2020-04-21 16:12:00  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2021-10-18 21:34:26  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Inventory
Languages Greek
Main Title Inventory of the treasurers of the Other Gods (429/8 BCE)
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Stele / Cippus
Medium Stele
Text URL
Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#220 IG I 3 383
#12 SEG 10, 225+ ; 16, 11 ; 21, 74 ; 22, 46 ; 23, 31 ; 36, 30 ; 37, 29 ; 48, 65 ; 50, 65
#1055 IG I² 310+
#1827 CCCA II 384
Precision: 1
Post Quem -429
Ante Quem -428
Commentary Epameinon archon (429/8 BCE).
Epameinon archonte (429/8 av. n.è.).
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 1
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Athenai (Athenaios) (IACP: 361)
Region Inland Greece
Sub-region Attica
Place Athenae   View on Pleiades   37.9751765, 23.7263452
Site Acropolis of Athens   View on Pleiades
Topographies Heights (Mountain / Hill / Rock)
Functions Cult , Urban area
Commentary 12 fragments (I-XII) of a stele inscribed on four faces:
- front face (A): preamble (l. 1-11), then inventory of sacred properties, on two columns (col. I and II);
- right face (B): inventory, on one column;
- reverse face (C): inventory, on two columns, one of which is lost (only col. II is partially preserved);
- left face (D): inventory, on one column.
12 fragments (I-XII) d'une stèle inscrite sur les quatre côtés :
- face principale (A) : préambule (l. 1-11), puis deux colonnes d'inventaire de biens sacrés (col. I et II) ;
- face droite (B) : une colonne d'inventaire ;
- face arrière (C) : deux colonnes d'inventaire, dont une seule est conservée (col. II) ;
- face gauche (D) : une colonne d'inventaire.
Testimony With restitution
#2686 A, l. 1 το͂ν ἄλλ[ον θεο͂ν]
#2690 A, col. I, l. 50 Μετρὸ[ς ἐν Ἄγρας]
#2693 A, col. I, l. 53-54 Ἑρακ[λέος ἐγ]
#2695 A, col. I, l. 59-60 Ποσει[δο͂νος]
#2699 A, col. I, l. 65 Ἕρας ἐγ Χ[συπέτει]
#2700 A, col. I, l. 72 Γε͂ς Ὀλυμ[πίας]
#2704 A, col. I, l. 78-79 Διὸς [Ὀλυμπ]-
#2707 A, col. I, l. 85-86 [Ἀρτέμιδ]ος
#2710 A, col. I, l. 106-107 Ποσειδο͂[νος]
ἀπὸ Σουν̣[ίο]
#2712 A, col. II, l. 121-122 Ἀθεναίας
#2714 A, col. II, l. 125-127 [Ἑ]ρμο͂ καὶ Ἀρ-
#2716 A, col. II, l.131 [Δι]ὸς Κεναίο
#2718 A, col. II, l.139-140 [Διὸς]
#2719 A, col. II, l. 151-152 [Ἀ]θεναίας
#2720 A, col. II, l. 153-154 [Ἀ]π̣όλλονος Δ-
[ε]λίο Φαλερο͂(ι)
#2721 A, col. II, l. 155-156 [Ἀ]ρτέμιδος
#2723 A, col. II, l. 163-164 [Ἀ]πόλλονος
#2724 A, col. II, l. 165 [Ἀν]άκοιν
#2728 C, col. II, l. 233-234 [Ἀφροδ]ίτες ἐ-
[πὶ Ἱπ]πολύτο
#2730 C, col. II, l. 236-237 [Ἀπό]λλονος Πυ-
#2732 D, l. 269-270 [Διὸς] Ὀλυ-
#2734 D, l. 276-277 [Δ]ιὸς Ὀλυ-
#2736 D, l. 303 [Ἀπόλλονι] Πυθίοι̣
#2738 D, l. 308 [θεο͂ι χσ]ενικο͂[ι]
#2740 D, l. 313 [Ἀρτέμιδι] Μ̣ονιχ[ί]α[.]
#2741 D, l. 319 [Ποσειδο͂νι ἀπὸ] Σουνίο̣
#2742 D, l. 325-326 Διὶ Ὀλυμ-
#2744 D, l. 327 [δόδεκα θε]οῖς
#2748 D, l. 328-329 Παλλε-
[νιδ - - -]
#2749 D, l. 329-330 [Π]αλλενί-
[δι - - -]
#2750 D, l. 330-331 [Ποσειδο͂νος ἀπ]ὸ Σου[ν]-
#2751 D, l. 346 Ἀνάκο[ιν]
#2752 D, l. 348-349 Διὶ Ὀ[λ]-
#2753 D, l. 361 Ἀρτέμιδ[ι Ἀγροτέραι (?)]
#2754 D, l. 361-362 [Ἀρτέμιδι]
Μονιχία- - -

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