View Source #184

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Creation :  2019-09-27 14:52:02  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2021-11-16 12:31:23  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Regulation
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Metal
Material Bronze
Medium Category Graphic medium
Medium Tablet
Text URL
Iconography ?
Image URL
Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#373 Le dialecte grec de Chypre p. 629-635, n°1
#3899 Axon 331
#3514 I.Mus. Cyprus 34
#3257 Athéna chez les Phéniciens p. 161-163
#2805 Tablette d’Idalion
#2302 Tablette d’Idalion
#5290 ICS 217
#218 ICS² 217
Precision: 2
Post Quem -500
Ante Quem -450
Commentary Before the conquest of Odalion by Kition (not after ca. 450 BCE).
For a detailed discussion of the different dating hypotheses, see Georgiadou 2010 (who favors 499-475 BCE).
Avant la prise d'Idalion par Kition (ca. 450 av. n.è. au plus tard).
Pour une discussion détaillée des différentes hypothèses de datation, cf. Georgiadou 2010 (qui penche pour 499-475 av. n.è.).
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 1
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Idalion (Edalios) (IACP: 1013)
Region Cyprus
Place Idalion   View on Pleiades   35.0157367, 33.4237682
Site Ambelliri (Sanctuary of Athena)
Topographies Heights (Mountain / Hill / Rock)
Functions Cult , Urban area
Commentary Opisthographic (faces A-B) bronze tablet with handle (daltos).
Cypro-Greek syllabar (sinistroverse).
Regulation of king Stasikypros and of the city of Idalion, issued in the context of a siege (early or mid 5th c. BCE: see Georgiadou 2010).
Tablette de bronze avec poignée (daltos) opisthographe (faces A-B).
Syllabaire chypro-grec (sinistroverse).
Règlement du roi Stasikypros et de la cité d'Idalion, pris en contexte de siège (début ou milieu du Ve s. av. n.è. : cf. Georgiadou 2010).
Testimony With restitution
#220 B, l. 27-28 i-ta-ti-o-ne ta-na-ta-na-ne ta-ne-pe-re-

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