View Source #17448
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Creation : 2023-05-07 09:51:50 by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition : 2023-05-07 13:12:22 by Sylvain Lebreton
Creation : 2023-05-07 09:51:50 by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition : 2023-05-07 13:12:22 by Sylvain Lebreton
Project | ERC MAP Project | ||||||||||||||||||
Source Category | Epigraphy | ||||||||||||||||||
Source Types | Boundary, Label / Ownership | ||||||||||||||||||
Languages | Greek | ||||||||||||||||||
Main Title | None | ||||||||||||||||||
Author | |||||||||||||||||||
Material Category | Lithic | ||||||||||||||||||
Material | |||||||||||||||||||
Medium Category | Stele / Cippus | ||||||||||||||||||
Medium | Stele | ||||||||||||||||||
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Iconography ? | |||||||||||||||||||
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Precision: 3 |
Discovery Location
Precision: 2 |
Original Location |
Commentary |
Found in the courtyard of Prophitis Ilias church, on the top of Mount Kounados. From the sanctuary of Aphrodite which has been located in this area, according to Rubensohn, Paros II. Topographie (1901), p. 215. Contra Gruben (1982) who rather considers that the stone was brought from the Parian prytaneion.
Trouvé dans la cour de l'église Prophitis Ilias, au sommet du mont Kounados. Proviendrait du sanctuaire d'Aphrodite localisable dans le secteur selon Rubensohn, Paros II. Topographie (1901), p. 215. Contra Gruben (1982) qui pense que la pierre a été apportée depuis le prytanée de Paros. |
Testimonies |