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Creation :  2022-12-31 14:05:14  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2022-12-31 15:22:38  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Calendar, Ritual norm
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Stele / Cippus
Medium Stele
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#1 CGRN 236
#855 Cultes et sanctuaires de Cos p. 223-230
#12 SEG 46, 1078 ; 49, 1102
#4116 Prott & Ziehen, Leges sacrae I 10-12
#1330 I.Cos Paton 401-403
#4316 Hestia Phamia p. 194
#11 GIBM II 338-339a
#241 IG XII.4 280
#4285 Damos coo di Isthmos p. 158-159, n°1-3
#308 LSCG 169
Precision: 2
Post Quem -200
Ante Quem -150
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Kos (Koos) (IACP: 497)
Region Aegean Islands
Sub-region Cos
Place Astypalaia/Isthmos   View on Pleiades   36.7469927, 26.9587707
Commentary Three fragments of a stele, one of which is opisthographic (fr. B, faces A-B), found in the castle (fr. A-B) and in the church of Panagia Palatiani (fr. C) in Kefalos (anc. Isthmos).
Trois fragments d'une stèle, dont un opisthographe (fr. B, faces A-B), trouvés au chateau (fr. A-B) et à l'église de la Panagia Palatiani (fr. C) de Kefalos (anc. Isthmos).
Testimony With restitution
#19335 fr. A, l. 8-9 Α-
[- - -] καὶ Ἱστίαι Φαμίαι
#19336 fr. A, l. 12 [Ἀφροδί]ται Πανδάμωι
#19338 fr. B, face A, l. 6-7 Θεῶν Μα-
#19385 fr. A, l. 5 [Ἑκ]άται ἐμ πόλει
#19386 fr. A, l. 7 Ἀ̣σκλαπιῶι ἐν Ἰσθμῶ[ι]

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