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Creation :  2022-12-12 17:30:24  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2022-12-12 23:39:20  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Calendar, Ritual norm
Languages Greek
Main Title Sacrificial calendar of the city of Kos
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Stele / Cippus
Medium Stele
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#1 CGRN 86
#1928 Inscriptions de Cos p. 216-220, n°7+
#12 SEG 26, 950 ; 32, 822 ; 49, 1104
#1330 I.Cos Paton 37-39+
#297 I.Cos Segre ED 140 + 241+
#1328 I.Kos Heilige Gesetze 1-4
#4238 De Co insula p. 31-34, n°11
#2000 Vie religieuse 62
#855 Cultes et sanctuaires de Cos p. 375-381
#308 LSCG 151
#699 GHI 62
#241 IG XII.4 274-278
#343 Syll.3 1025-1027+
Precision: 2
Post Quem -366
Ante Quem -325
Commentary Mid 4th c. (little after the synoikismos in 366) BCE.
Milieu du IVe s. (peu après le synoecisme de 366) av. n.è.
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Kos (Koos) (IACP: 497)
Region Aegean Islands
Sub-region Cos
Place Kos   View on Pleiades   36.8932687, 27.2874243
Commentary Four fragmentary stelai (or plaques) (A-D), cut by the same hand, in which a part of the sacrificial calendar of the city of Kos is preserved (it was probably originally made out of twelve stelai, i.e. one for each month).
On the order of the stelai and the calendar of Kos, see Carbon et al., CGRN 86 (com.) and Paul 2013, p. 382.
Quatre stèles (ou plaques) fragmentaires (A-D), inscrites de la même main, conservant une partie du calendrier sacrificiel de la cité de Cos (l'ensemble devait originellement être composé de douze stèles, i.e. une par mois).
Sur l'ordre de disposition des stèles et la progression calendaire à Cos, cf. Carbon et al., CGRN 86 (com.) et Paul 2013, p. 382.
Testimony With restitution
#19048 A, l. 3 κ̣αθάπερ τοὺ̣ς ἄλλ[ο]υ̣ς θ̣εο̣ὺς̣
#19050 A, l. 28-29 [πα]-
[ρ]ὰ τὰν Ἱστίαν τὰν 〚Ο〛 Φ̣αμ̣ίαν
#19051 A, l. 36-37 [Ζην]-
ὸ̣ς̣ Πολ̣ι̣έ̣ως
#19052 A, l. 42 τῶι Ζηνὶ τῶι Πολιῆι
#19053 A, l. 45-46 Διονύσωι [Σκ]-
#19054 A, l. 47-48 Ζηνὶ̣ Π̣[ο]-
#19055 A, l. 56-57 Ἀθαναίαι Πο[λι]-
#19056 A, l. 58 Διονύσωι Σκυλλίται
#19057 A, l. 62-63 [Δι]-
[ο]ν̣ύ̣σ̣ω̣ι̣ Σκυλλίτα[ι]
#19059 B, l. 9-10 Ἡρακλεῖ
[ἐς - - -]σαλον
#19061 B, l. 8-9 Ἡρακλεῖ ἐς Κο-
[- - -]ν
#19062 C, l. 17-18 Ἀπόλλωνι Καρ̣-
[νείωι καὶ Ἀρτάμιτι]
#19063 C, l. 19 [τῶν Δυώδεκα Θε]ῶν
#19064 C, l. 1 Ἀπόλλω[νι Δαλίωι (?)]
#19083 D, l. 5 Ἥραι Ἀργείαι Ἑλείαι Βασιλείαι
#19085 D, l. 10-11 Ζηνὶ Μαχα-
#19086 D, l. 12 τῶι Ζηνὶ τῶι Πολιῆι
#19087 D, l. 13 τῶι Πολιῆι
#19088 D, l. 14 Ζηνὶ Μαχανῆι
#19089 D, l. 16 τῶν̣ Δ̣υ̣ώδεκα Θεῶν
#19090 D, l. 21-22 Ἀθαναίαι Μαχα[νί]-

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