View Source #1368

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Creation :  2020-03-06 15:49:07  by Barbara Bolognani
Latest Edition :  2020-06-02 17:05:23  by Corinne Bonnet

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Dedication
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Metal
Material Bronze
Medium Category Vessels
Medium Lamp
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#269 IGLS XI 35
#12 SEG 44, 1326
Precision: 1
Post Quem 106
Ante Quem 106
Commentary in the year 216 of the Sidonian era, that is 106 AD
en l'an 216 de l'ère sidonienne, soit 106 de notre ère
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 3
Real ? Yes
Political Entity
Region Near East
Sub-region Syria
Commentary The lamp is preserved in a private collection in Paris, but considering the theophoric name with Anat and the reference to Leucothea, it is highly probable that the provenience was the region of Mount Hermon, in particular Rakhlé.
La lampe provient d'une collection privée à Paris, mais compte tenu du nom théophore formé sur Anat et de la référence à Leucothea, il est fort probable que la provenance soit la région du mont Hermon, en particulier Rakhlé.
Testimony With restitution
#1762 l. 4-5 θεᾷ Λευκοθἐ-

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