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Creation :  2020-03-04 17:27:46  by Barbara Bolognani
Latest Edition :  2021-01-20 13:29:03  by Thomas Galoppin

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Blessing, Commemorative, Dedication
Languages Greek
Main Title None
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Architecture
Medium Altar
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#97 CIIP IV 3467
#867 The Roman Amphitheatre of Beth Guvrin 100
Precision: 2
Post Quem 180
Ante Quem 192
Commentary The object is dated according to the inscription mentioning Emperor Commodus.
L'objet est daté selon l'inscription mentionnant l'empereur Commode.
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 2
Real ? Yes
Political Entity
Region Near East
Sub-region Judaea
Place Marisa / Tel Maresha   View on Pleiades   31.592963, 34.898241
Commentary Hellenistic: Marisa
Roman: Eleutheropolis
Contemporary: Beit Guvrin
Other known names: Beth Gabra (Aramaic), Tell Sandahannah
Hellénistique: Marisa
Romain: Eleutheropolis
Contemporain: Beit Guvrin
Autres noms connus: Beth Gabra (araméen), Tell Sandahannah
Commentary Limestone altar with a socle, a shaft, and a cornice bearing an inscription divided among the three elements. The alter was found in the sub-structure of the sacellum in the amphitheatre of Maresha (Kloner/Hubsch excavations).
Autel en pierre calcaire avec un socle, un tronc et une corniche portant une inscription divisée entre les trois éléments. L'autel a été trouvé dans la sous-structure du sacellum de l'amphithéâtre à Maresha (fouilles Kloner / Hubsch).
Testimony With restitution
#1746 l.7-8 θεῶι Ἡλι-

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