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Creation :  2020-02-22 12:41:27  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2021-10-23 13:05:50  by Sylvain Lebreton

Project ERC MAP Project
Source Category Epigraphy
Source Types Calendar, Ritual norm
Languages Greek
Main Title State sacrificial calendar of Athens (so-called "Nicomachus'")
Material Category Lithic
Material Marble
Medium Category Stele / Cippus
Medium Stele
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Iconography ?
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Bibliographic Reference Main Edition Source Reference
#1 CGRN 45
#220 IG I 3 237 bis + 238 + 239 + 240 + 241
#221 IG II2 1357
#308 LSCG 16 + 17
#309 LSCG Suppl. 9 + 10
#782 Sacrificial Calendar of Athens
#783 Athenian Calendar: New Fragment
#12 SEG 52, 48 + 57, 64 (10, 348 ; 53, 57 ; 54, 53 ; 58, 51 ; 60, 91 ; 66, 42 ; 67, 30)
#839 Athenian Law Code +
Precision: 2
Post Quem -410
Ante Quem -399
Commentary Most probably 403/2 - 400/399 (A) and 410/09 - 405/4 (B) BCE: see General commentary of the Source.
Selon toute probabilité 403/2 - 400/399 (A) et 410/09 - 405/4 (B) av. n.è. : voir Commentaire général de la Source.
Discovery / Original Location
Precision: 1
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Athenai (Athenaios) (IACP: 361)
Region Inland Greece
Sub-region Attica
Place Athenae   View on Pleiades   37.9751765, 23.7263452
Site Agora of Athens   View on Pleiades
Functions Public square , Urban area
Commentary 13 fragments of opisthographic (faces A et B) stelai belonging to the same ensemble, which was originally displayed in the Athenian Agora - most likely in the Stoa Basileios.
This sacrificial calendar is part of the Law Code of the Athenian state, which was revised at the turn of the 5th and 4th c., in two stages: between 410/09 and 405/4 (after the fall of the council of the Four-Hundreds), and then between 403/2 and 400/399 (once the tyranny of the Thirty has been overthrown). Face A, inscribed in the Ionic alphabet, is from the second phase; face B (Attic alphabet) is from the first one.
Unless otherwise specified, Lambert 2002's calendar reconstruction (months, days, festivals) is adopted here.
13 fragments de stèles opisthographes (faces A et B) faisant partie d'un même ensemble originellement exposé sur l'Agora d'Athènes - très vraisemblablement sous la Stoa Basileios.
Ce calendrier sacrificiel fait partie du Code de Loi de la cité d'Athènes, révisé au tournant des Ve et IVe s., en deux temps : entre 410/09 et 405/4 (après la chute du conseil des Quatre-Cents), puis entre 403/2 et 400/399 (une fois la tyrannie des Trente renversée). La face A, inscrite en alphabet ionien, procède de la seconde phase et la face B (alphabet attique), de la première.
Sauf indication contraire, est ici adoptée la reconstitution calendaire (mois, jours, fêtes) proposée par Lambert 2002.
Testimony With restitution
#1614 A, fr. 1, col. 3, l. 2 Σε[μνῶν θεῶ]ν̣ (?)
#1625 A, fr. 2, l. 7 Κοροτρόφωι
#1627 A, fr. 2, l. 10 [Δ]ιὶ Νε[μέωι] (?)
#1632 A, fr. 3, col. 1, l. 12-13 [Ἀθηνα]ίαι
#1637 A, fr. 3, col. 1, l. 24 [Κοροτ]ρόφ̣ωι
#1638 A, fr. 3, col. 2, l. 48-50 Διὶ Φρατρίωι καὶ
Ἀθηναίαι Φρα-
#1650 A, fr. 3, col. 3, l. 61 Διὶ Ἑρκείωι
#1651 A, fr. 3, col. 3, l. 66 Μελίχωι ἥ[ρωϊ]
#1652 A, fr. 3, col. 3, l. 67 Ἀρχηγέτη̣[ι]
#1653 A, fr. 3, col. 3, l. 82-83 Ἑρ[μῆι]
#1654 A, fr. 5, col. 1, l. 2 [Ἀπόλλωνι Προστ]ατηρίωι
#1655 A, fr. 5, col. 1, l. 4 [Ἀπόλλωνι Ὑπὸ] Μ̣ακραῖς
#1656 A, fr. 5, col. 1, l. 12 [Ἀθηναίαι Ἰτ]ωνίαι
#1657 A, fr. 6, l. 1-2 Ἀθηναί-
ας Πολιάδος
#1658 A, fr. 6, l. 4 ἐλ Λ̣υκείο
#1659 A, fr. 12, l. 8 Διὶ Μορίω< ι >
#1660 A, fr. 12, l. 10 Ἀθεναίαι Οἰ[ναίαι]
#1661 B, fr. 10, l. 3 Δ̣ιὶ Κα[ταιβάτει]
#1662 B, fr. 11, l. 4 Κοροτρόφο̣[ι]
#1663 B, fr. 11, l. 5 ἐμ Π[υθίο]

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