View Element #1646

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Creation :  2020-10-01 22:30:10  by Thomas Galoppin
Latest Edition :  2023-01-27 14:57:16  by Thomas Galoppin

Absolute form Ἀγχόης
Beta Code AGXOHS
French English
Agchoês Agchoes
Nature Substantive / Noun phrase
Out of Context Categories
Testimonies (3)
Testimony With restitution Position Element in Context
#4333 II, l. 13-14 Ἀγχόης ὁ σὸς υἱός, ὃς οὐρανοῦ αἰθέρα ναίε[ι],
ἥλιος ἀντέλλων (...), ὃς ἔδειξε τὸ φῶς
1 Ἀγχόης
#4347 III, l. 33 Ἀγχόηι, Σοκονῶπι, θεοῖς { α } ἁγίοισιν 1 Ἀγχόηι
#4358 IV, l. 4-5 Δηοῖ ὑψίστηι Ἴσιδι θεσμοφόρωι,
καὶ Ἀγχόηι υἱῶι καὶ δαίμονι ἀγαθῶι Σοκονῶπ[ι]
5 Ἀγχόηι

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