View Element #1469

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Creation :  2020-07-01 15:38:28  by Giuseppina Marano
Latest Edition :  2023-01-12 19:37:12  by Giuseppina Marano

Absolute form ἀεί
Beta Code AEI
French English
Toujours Forever
Nature Adverb
Out of Context Categories Temporality
Testimonies (3)
Testimony With restitution Position Element in Context
#3831 A, l. 1 [μ]έγ̣ας ἠς ἀεὶ Ὀλύμπιος Ζεύς 2 ἀεὶ
#19197 l. 2 θίοις ἀῒ τεχνείταις ἱεροῖς 2 ἀῒ
#25919 l. 7-8 τὸν εὐάντητον ἀεὶ θεὸν (...)
(...) ἀγαθῆς σύμβολον εὐπλοΐης
2 ἀεὶ

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