View Bibliographic Record #81

Type Corpus
Short Title Agora XV
Full Title Meritt B.D., Traill J.S., The Athenian Agora, XV. Inscriptions: The Athenian Councillors, Princeton, 1974.
Sources (112)
Source Source Reference
#872 35
#874 269
#2747 78
#2748 81
#2763 180
#2764 89
#3266 34 (face C)
#3275 76
#3276 84
#3283 80
#3285 70
#3304 100
#3323 115
#3324 110 + 111
#3325 116
#3328 120
#3330 99
#3331 98
#3332 131
#3333 160
#3334 247
#3335 216
#3336 173
#3337 204
#3338 205
#3339 162
#3340 189
#3341 169 (l. 8-13)
#3342 193
#3343 231
#3344 213
#3345 214
#3373 121
#3376 128+
#3377 130
#3379 135
#3380 129
#3382 147
#3386 134
#3387 138
#3388 137
#3389 192
#3391 165
#3392 87
#3393 187a-f
#3396 174+
#3422 166
#3424 184
#3425 183
#3427 167
#3428 168
#3429 171
#3430 170
#3431 194
#3432 197 + 230
#3433 175 + 199
#3434 200
#3436 202
#3437 206
#3439 212
#3441 188
#3443 201
#3444 229
#3445 208
#3446 207
#3447 215
#3448 218
#3449 219
#3450 220
#3451 221
#3452 222
#3453 224
#3454 225
#3456 226
#3457 228
#3458 238
#3459 240
#3460 243
#3461 244
#3462 232 + 246+
#3463 249
#3464 251
#3465 252
#3466 261
#3467 253
#3468 254
#3469 260
#3470 275
#3471 293
#3472 304
#3473 310
#3474 330
#3475 386
#3476 402a
#3478 406
#3479 407
#3480 411
#3482 417
#3483 419
#3484 420
#3485 424
#3486 446
#3487 460
#3481 403 + 415+
#3488 461
#3489 466
#3490 470
#3491 476
#3492 477
#3493 480
#5779 481
#6606 248+
Elements (0)

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