View Bibliographic Record #699

Type Bibliographic
Short Title GHI
Full Title Rhodes P.J., Osborne R. (ed.), Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 BC, Oxford, 2003.
Author Rhodes & Osborne
Year 2003
Sources (29)
Source Source Reference
#1098 37
#1223 5
#1257 81
#3089 35
#3093 22
#3182 88
#3216 39
#3217 41
#3239 64
#3243 25
#3244 46
#3246 76
#3270 28
#4365 87
#7783 86A
#8815 85A
#8683 83
#2463 97
#14094 59
#15120 68
#15170 62
#17355 73
#17571 57
#17620 85 B
#16552 50
#20542 65 E
#20150 65 B
#20589 65 C
#20590 65 D
Elements (0)

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