View Bibliographic Record #4

Type Corpus
Short Title I.Paphos
Full Title Cayla J.-B., Les inscriptions de Paphos. La cité chypriote sous la domination lagide et à l’époque impériale, Lyon, 2018.
Sources (106)
Source Source Reference
#2 86
#10 1
#118 247
#120 243
#111 254
#109 249
#110 248
#155 252
#156 245
#157 246
#159 253
#161 251
#162 256
#164 257
#165 242
#166 255
#167 250
#168 244
#201 p. 94
#245 16
#279 3
#280 156
#281 24
#282 25
#283 37
#284 42
#285 43
#290 52
#291 55
#293 56
#294 75
#296 81
#297 83
#299 84
#300 85
#303 88
#304 89
#329 269
#330 270
#331 203
#332 123
#333 182
#334 181
#335 204
#336 205
#337 206
#339 202
#340 207
#341 263
#342 265
#343 266
#344 357
#345 355
#346 353
#347 352
#355 351
#356 350
#358 235
#359 228
#362 91
#363 93
#364 94
#365 95
#366 96
#367 101
#368 106
#369 107
#370 110
#371 114
#372 120
#373 132
#374 133
#375 134
#376 136
#377 149
#378 150
#379 155
#392 198
#393 209
#396 158
#397 159
#399 160
#400 161
#402 163
#403 166
#404 167
#417 108
#419 215
#420 216
#421 217
#422 218
#423 219
#424 220
#425 189
#426 191
#427 192
#428 193
#429 194
#443 195
#444 196
#445 197
#446 68
#461 26
#476 315
#480 268
#19906 208
Elements (4)
Element Element Reference
#232 pp p. 92-96
#249 Κίλιξ ὁ καὶ *Μυενινεύς p. 147-148
#158 Ἀσωφώνιος p. 147-148
#7 Πάφιος, α, ον p. 93-96

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