View Bibliographic Record #298

Type Corpus
Short Title I.Thèbes à Syène
Full Title Bernand A., De Thèbes à Syène, Paris, 1989.
Sources (47)
Source Source Reference
#82 2
#83 6
#84 7
#85 10
#88 13
#89 14
#93 15
#95 23
#98 83
#99 107
#100 136
#101 141
#115 164
#116 171
#119 175
#131 174 B
#117 174 A
#134 188
#136 190
#137 192
#138 193
#139 195
#140 197
#142 210
#141 199
#145 232
#196 243
#197 244
#202 245
#203 246
#204 250
#205 255
#206 256
#208 277
#295 302
#298 303
#302 306
#319 309
#385 315
#386 316
#387 318
#388 319
#389 320
#390 324
#391 328
#1326 37
#5750 241
Elements (0)

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