View Bibliographic Record #272

Type Corpus
Short Title IGLS XV
Full Title Sartre-Fauriat A., Sartre M., Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie. XV. Le plateau du Trachôn et ses bordures, Beyrouth, 2014.
Sources (32)
Source Source Reference
#1642 7
#1659 74
#1672 92
#1705 96
#1707 119a
#1709 137
#1712 138
#1720 139
#1728 254
#1768 258
#1769 259
#1770 275
#1771 276
#1871 297
#1873 298
#1889 299
#1892 300
#1904 311
#1905 324
#1914 330
#1915 331
#1916 360
#1917 377
#1956 389
#1957 405
#1958 411a
#1963 446
#1964 449
#1966 492
#1968 521
#4617 495
#6359 256
Elements (0)

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