View Bibliographic Record #240

Type Corpus
Short Title IG XII.3
Full Title Hiller von Gaertringen F., Inscriptiones Graecae XII.3. Inscriptiones Symes, Teutlussae, Teli, Nisyri, Astypalaeae, Anaphes, Therae et Therasiae, Pholegandri, Meli, Cimoli, Berlin, 1898 et 1904 (suppl.)
Sources (137)
Source Source Reference
#4436 319a
#4437 448
#4438 1330
#10460 1089
#10466 329 + 1295
#12793 103
#14236 1
#14237 2
#14245 28
#14260 34
#14261 35
#14275 39
#14276 40
#14277 41
#14278 42
#14283 44
#14284 47
#14287 92
#14290 95
#14291 96
#14292 97
#14293 98
#14367 171 = 1286
#14369 178
#14375 194
#14376 195
#14377 199
#14390 248
#14392 249
#14393 247
#14401 256
#14402 259
#14403 260
#14412 262
#14414 268
#14418 269
#14419 270
#14422 271
#14442 321 = 1292
#14448 322
#14468 436
#14470 437
#14472 438
#14474 440
#14477 441 = 1372
#14478 444
#14481 424
#14482 427+ = 1362
#14483 428
#14485 429
#14486 430
#14724 1294
#14725 1316
#14726 727 = 1319
#14727 1320
#14728 1321
#14729 1322
#14730 1323
#14743 361
#14745 363
#14746 366 = 1309
#14750 357
#14753 358
#14756 367
#14757 402
#14758 403
#14759 404a
#14761 537a
#14763 551
#14765 1371
#14767 412
#14768 372
#14769 375
#14770 376
#14771 389
#14772 450
#14776 406
#14779 1325
#14780 1328
#14781 1329
#14782 1332
#14783 1357
#14784 1359
#14785 1360
#14786 1361
#14788 1363
#14789 1364
#14790 1365
#14791 1366
#14792 1370
#14793 1374
#14794 1377
#14795 1392
#14796 1393
#14797 1406
#14800 1407
#14801 1408
#14802 1671
#9957 410
#14805 414
#14806 416
#14811 420
#14812 494
#14813 495
#14815 1189
#14819 1088
#14822 1075
#14824 1093
#14825 1094
#14826 1098
#14827 508
#14828 512
#14829 513b
#14830 513a
#14831 514
#14832 519
#14833 522+
#14843 868
#14844 869
#14847 870
#14848 1053
#14881 381
#14882 380
#14960 421 = 1335
#14988 1347
#14971 422 = 1333
#14972 1337
#14985 1341-1342
#14986 1345
#14987 1346
#14993 1350
#15024 377
#15025 378
#15026 1317
#15027 1318
#18358 418
#19743 466 = 1390
Elements (0)

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