View Bibliographic Record #236

Type Corpus
Short Title IG XI.4
Full Title Roussel P., Inscriptiones Graecae XI.4. Inscriptiones Deli (n°1510-1349), Berlin, 1914
Sources (39)
Source Source Reference
#8371 559
#8372 702
#8374 1039
#8375 665
#8376 700
#8377 1053
#8378 1234
#8379 1146
#8381 1276
#8388 1027
#8461 1043
#8463 1065
#8503 1128
#8504 1136
#8505 1139
#8545 1143
#8546 1163
#8562 1270
#8563 1273
#8564 1275
#8565 1290
#8566 1293
#8692 1299
#8693 1304
#8751 1215
#8752 1223
#8753 1227
#8755 1230
#8816 1239
#8817 1248
#8818 1251
#8819 1253
#8820 1257
#8373 1061
#12376 1287
#12468 1105
#12469 1298
#12474 1150
#13959 1036
Elements (0)

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