View Bibliographic Record #222

Type Corpus
Short Title IG II 3 .1
Full Title Inscriptiones Graecae II et III. Editio tertia. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Pars I, Leges et decreta, Berlin 2012-
Sources (117)
Source Source Reference
#1193 879
#1257 447
#1294 444
#1298 1154
#2720 912
#2747 900
#2748 952
#2764 983
#3016 1164
#3017 1188
#3018 1009
#3029 449
#3121 1166
#3122 1176
#3123 1332
#3239 298
#3247 377
#3267 416
#3246 318
#3266 306
#3268 445
#3293 1005
#3272 348
#3273 359
#3274 545
#3275 887
#3276 888
#3278 901
#3280 902
#3281 903
#3282 905
#3283 910
#3284 911
#3285 946
#3286 953
#3287 995
#3289 1001
#3290 1002
#3294 1006
#3302 1020
#3303 1022
#3304 1024
#3315 1025
#3316 1045
#3317 1059
#3318 1056
#3319 1026
#3320 1028
#3322 1034
#3323 1029
#3324 1036
#3325 1066
#3328 1139
#3329 1144
#3330 1212
#3331 1202
#3332 1201
#3333 1223
#3334 1247
#3335 1268
#3336 1274
#3337 1320
#3338 1321
#3339 1345
#3340 1355
#3341 1367
#3342 1383
#3343 1396
#3344 1398
#3345 1400
#3373 1149
#3374 1150
#3376 1153
#3377 1155
#3378 1162
#3379 1165
#3380 1168
#3381 1170
#3382 1177
#3383 1178
#3384 1182
#3385 1183
#3386 1198
#3387 1231
#3388 1232
#3389 1233
#3390 1239
#3391 1246
#3392 1259
#3393 1263
#3396 1275
#3398 1284
#3405 1288
#3422 1293
#3424 1295
#3425 1296
#3426 1298
#3427 1299
#3428 1301
#3429 1304
#3430 1307
#3431 1310
#3432 1311
#3433 1316
#3434 1318
#3435 1323
#3436 1324
#3437 1328
#3438 1329
#3439 1333
#3440 1339
#3441 1344
#3442 1373
#3443 1395
#3444 1415
#3445 1416
#20034 1313
Elements (0)

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