View Bibliographic Record #218

Type Corpus
Short Title ICS²
Full Title Masson O., Les inscriptions Chypriotes syllabiques : recueil critique et commenté (Études Chypriotes 1), Paris, 1961 (19832)
Sources (61)
Source Source Reference
#10 1
#32 215
#53 184
#54 186
#121 304
#122 305
#31 216
#30 220
#183 218
#184 217
#185 219
#186 368c
#187 74a
#188 250b
#189 250c
#210 90
#211 91
#212 85
#213 86
#214 339
#215 352
#216 464
#217 250
#218 250a
#223 234
#224 235
#225 236
#231 335
#190 196d
#191 196e
#243 237
#244 238
#247 239
#248 240
#249 242
#250 243
#252 244
#253 245
#254 249a
#255 264
#262 265
#263 266
#264 267
#265 275
#266 277
#267 286
#268 300
#270 2
#271 3
#272 4
#273 6
#274 7
#275 10
#276 16
#277 17
#6701 302
#6763 229a
#6764 229b-c
#6889 231 + 233
#6904 229+
#6934 309
Elements (1)
Element Element Reference
#23 Ἀλασιώτας p. 227-228

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