View Bibliographic Record #1873

Type Bibliographic
Short Title Lateres I
Full Title De Domenico C., Lateres Signati Graeci. I, Athenae et Attica, Atene-Paestum, 2015.
Author De Domenico
Year 2015
Sources (24)
Source Source Reference
#3509 T26
#3507 T44
#3508 T45
#3511 T31
#3594 T34
#3512 T46
#3510 T25
#3596 T27
#3597 T28
#3598 T29
#3599 T30
#3600 T32
#3601 T33
#3602 T35
#3603 T36
#3604 T37
#3605 T38
#3606 T39
#3607 T40
#3608 T41
#3609 T42
#3610 T43
#3611 C9
#3612 T47
Elements (0)

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