View Bibliographic Record #1871

Type Corpus
Short Title I.Roman Cyrenaica
Full Title Reynolds J.M. et al., Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica, 2020 :
Sources (65)
Source Source Reference
#3583 B.9
#3585 C.64
#3589 C.93
#3591 C.94
#3592 C.95
#3593 C.96
#3595 C.114
#3618 C.148
#3620 C.153
#3621 C.228
#3622 C.229
#3623 C.244
#3624 C.276
#3625 C.285
#3626 C.287
#3627 C.288
#3628 C.289
#3629 C.305
#3630 C.306
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#3632 C.309
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#3634 C.317
#3635 C.323
#3636 C.324
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#3640 C.329
#3641 C.366
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#3643 C.373
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#3645 C.379
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#3647 C.382
#3648 C.383
#3650 C.384
#3651 C.385
#3652 C.386
#3653 C.416
#3655 C.421
#3656 C.422
#3658 C.495
#3659 C.497
#3660 C.571
#3662 C.652
#3664 C.653
#3665 C.661
#3674 M.185
#3675 M.189
#3676 M.190
#3677 M.191
#3678 M.193
#3679 P.79
#3680 P.317
#3681 P.334
#3673 M.70
#3672 M.62
#3670 C.756
#3668 C.692
#3667 C.676
#3666 C.663
#3689 T.724
#3690 T.727
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