View Bibliographic Record #1827

Type Corpus
Short Title CCCA II
Full Title Vermaseren M.J., Corpus cultus Cybelae Attidisque: CCCA. II, Graecia atque insulae, Leiden, 1982.
Sources (47)
Source Source Reference
#3508 242
#3507 252
#237 679
#236 689
#353 692
#3513 5
#3514 3
#3515 6
#3516 11
#3517 23
#3518 180
#3131 9
#3262 10
#3489 26
#3132 27
#3258 28
#3259 29
#3263 30
#3264 31
#3027 245
#831 385
#2013 384
#1918 383
#3519 32
#3520 258
#3522 270
#3523 267
#3525 271
#3526 272
#3537 273
#3538 274
#3539 275
#3540 276
#3541 268
#3512 325
#3544 389
#5037 533
#5752 243
#6470 17
#14468 657
#14470 658
#14472 659
#14648 651
#14650 654
#16733 438
#17542 649
#17546 648
Elements (0)

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