View Bibliographic Record #1330

Type Corpus
Short Title I.Cos Paton
Full Title Paton W.R., Hicks E.L., The Inscriptions of Cos, Oxford, 1891.
Sources (52)
Source Source Reference
#2462 148
#3819 60
#15111 62
#15170 37-39+
#15404 401-403
#15458 382
#15468 16+
#15470 53
#15471 64
#15482 63
#15631 43
#15637 34
#15795 27
#15897 349
#15937 36
#15954 40 + 41+
#16000 146
#16077 57
#16091 58
#16158 55
#16228 370
#16229 388
#16270 347
#16297 92
#16304 80
#16322 78
#16324 79
#16338 76
#16348 77
#16417 85
#16418 86
#16419 89
#16420 90
#16516 87
#16521 324
#16523 202
#16530 84
#16588 96
#16592 95
#16593 97
#16658 218
#16676 319
#16700 98
#16726 137
#16766 125
#16767 130
#16773 119
#16785 411
#16790 408
#16896 150
#16897 149
#17092 381
Elements (0)

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