View Bibliographic Record #1227

Type Corpus
Short Title I.Deir el-Bahari
Full Title Łajtar A., Deir el-Bahari in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. A Study of an Egyptian Temple Βased on Greek Sources, Varsovie, 2006
Sources (52)
Source Source Reference
#2294 20
#2297 68
#2299 77
#2300 86
#2302 93
#2303 96
#2304 100
#2305 101
#2306 102
#2307 106
#2326 112
#2327 117
#2328 118
#2329 119
#2338 123
#2340 124
#2341 125
#2342 129
#2343 130
#2345 161
#2356 163
#2357 168
#2359 181
#2361 182
#2362 194
#2364 195
#2369 197
#2371 199
#2372 205
#2374 208
#2393 212
#2394 217
#2395 219
#2397 221
#2398 228
#2400 242
#2401 244
#2402 253
#2403 268
#2404 277
#2405 280
#2406 281
#2407 286
#2408 287
#2409 293
#2410 305
#2412 313
#2413 321
#2414 A1
#2415 A3
#2416 B1
#2417 B2
Elements (0)

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