View Bibliographic Record #1209

Type Corpus
Short Title CAVI
Full Title Immerwahr H., A Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), 2009 ; cf. R. Wachter, AVI (Attic Vase Inscriptions / Attische Vaseninschriften) :
Sources (76)
Source Source Reference
#2261 1563
#5493 5032
#6452 194
#6453 197
#6454 309
#3033 379 = 381
#6455 410
#3032 446
#3036 454
#6456 666
#6457 845
#6458 868
#6459 928
#6460 957
#6531 1361
#6533 1526
#6536 1581
#6546 1637
#6547 1668
#6548 1687
#6550 1711
#6551 1735
#6552 1735
#6577 1933
#6582 2211
#6588 1753
#6600 2324
#6601 2598
#6604 2959b
#6605 5465
#6620 3351
#6621 3430
#6785 4016
#2075 4709
#6811 4816
#6812 4861 = 7512
#6815 4919
#6816 4950
#6823 4972
#6824 4986
#6926 5415
#7002 5837
#2081 5867
#7003 5876
#7004 6375
#7012 6552
#7013 6888
#7014 6994
#7015 7057
#7019 1197
#4746 7591+
#7037 7667
#7038 7847
#7039 7863
#7041 8042
#7043 942
#7044 1803
#7045 1829
#7046 1839
#7047 1981
#7048 2219
#7049 4194
#7050 5029
#7051 5273
#7052 5363
#7054 5611
#7040 5769 = 8040
#7055 6088
#7058 6044
#7060 6367
#7062 6772
#7068 7164
#7069 7774
#7130 6859
#2535 1193
#17289 4906
Elements (0)

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