View Bibliographic Record #1055

Type Corpus
Short Title IG I²
Full Title Hiller von Gaertringen F., Inscriptiones Graecae I. Editio altera. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno anteriores, Berlin, 1924.
Sources (103)
Source Source Reference
#1775 128+
#1794 78
#1855 276
#1864 277
#1865 279
#1867 280
#1868 281
#1869 282
#1870 283
#1882 286
#1883 287+
#1884 288+
#1891 284/5
#1987 304 B+
#1986 304 A+
#1994 301+
#2007 305+
#2013 310+
#2108 325 + 326+
#2111 370/371
#2113 817
#2140 393
#2146 418
#2148 452
#2152 466
#2155 510
#2156 566+
#2157 623
#2159 573
#2164 548 + 663+
#2171 704+
#2173 628 + 690
#2175 499
#2177 633 + 737 (290)
#2174 689 + 737 (328)
#2179 674
#2181 702
#2182 705
#2207 487
#2208 737 (308)
#2209 643
#2213 650
#2214 585
#2217 590
#2225 684
#2226 710
#2227 555
#2228 500
#2229 503
#2231 601+
#2235 676
#2238 670
#2244 495
#2253 719
#2254 737 (303)+
#2257 516
#2263 706
#2264 716
#2266 700
#2267 737 (355)
#2269 530
#2139 468 (1)
#2275 708
#2276 625
#2279 580
#2281 576
#2282 611
#2283 529
#2285 739
#2286 740
#2287 761+
#2301 783
#2308 821
#2314 815+
#2323 825
#2330 830
#2346 837
#2348 829
#2350 833
#2353 828
#2375 886
#2381 859
#2388 866
#2391 873
#2435 920
#2458 472 ad.
#2536 561
#2547 865 A
#2549 865 B
#3037 609
#1918 324 + 306
#7022 653
#7672 854
#6533 468 (vas)
#2535 503 com.
#8935 68/69+
#19890 692+
#19891 563
#19892 622
#19893 713
#19897 701
#19899 394 II
#19900 394 I
Elements (0)

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