View Bibliographic Record #1024

Type Corpus
Short Title Breccia, Iscrizioni
Full Title Breccia E., Iscrizioni greche et latine, Le Caire, 1911
Sources (35)
Source Source Reference
#1690 537
#1687 111
#1686 58
#1682 121
#1680 120
#1679 129
#1676 546-547
#1668 101
#1666 68
#1665 51
#1658 71
#1656 543
#1655 116
#1647 168
#1646 117
#1640 99
#1631 140
#1628 1432
#1630 144
#1575 25
#1573 24
#1568 10
#1567 2
#1730 40a
#1754 123
#1755 125
#1809 70
#1879 32
#1992 87
#2001 100
#2018 97
#2031 115
#2859 299
#2969 112
#1401 37
Elements (0)

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