View Testimony #4215

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Creation :  2020-09-21 12:09:16  by Corinne Bonnet
Latest Edition :  2020-12-04 12:17:24  by Corinne Bonnet

Source #3138
Main Edition IGLS VIII
Reference 17
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage Gr., l. 1-4
Linked Testimonies (1) #4214 : IGLS VIII 17, Lat., l. 1-5
With restitution Θεᾷ Ἀταργάτει
Transliteration Theai Atargatei
French English
A la Déesse Atargatis de Gérana Artémis Qui Apporte la lumière To the Goddess Atargatis of Gerana Artemis Light Bringer
A la Déesse Atargatis de Gérana Artémis Phosphoros To the Goddess Atargatis of Gerana Artemis Phosphoros
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts Offering , Prayer / Vow
#1 Designation esclave régisseur
slave manager
ser(uus) act(or)
Agencies Addresser
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses Slave / Dependent
Commentary The agent is mentioned in Latin after the Greek name of the goddess.
L'agent est mentionné en latin après la mention de la déesse en grec.
Commentary The goddess Atargatis of Gerana in Greek corresponds in Latin to the Dea Syria of Gerana. Gerana is however not precisely locate. Artemis Phosphoros corresponds to Diana Lucifera. The Heliopolitan Venus at the beginning of the Latin version does not seem to be present in Greek.
La déesse Atargatis de Gerana en grec correspond en latin à la Dea Syria de Gerana, Gerana n'étant pas localisé avec précision. Artémis Phosphoros correspond à Diane Lucifera. Par contre la Vénus Héliopolitaine du début de la version latine ne semble pas présente en grec.
#1 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context Θεᾷ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #498 Ἀταργατῖς / Ἀτεργάτις / Ἀταργάτη / Ἀτταγάθη
Element in Context Ἀταργάτει
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#3 Element #1585 Γεράνα
Element in Context Γεράνων
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#4 Element #9 Ἄρτεμις
Element in Context Ἀρτέμιδι
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#5 Element #358 Φωσφόρος, ος, ον
Element in Context Φωσφόρῳ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 [[{28}#{498}]#{1585}]/[{9}#{358}] 2 Corinne Bonnet

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