View Testimony #2965

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Creation :  2020-05-03 17:00:35  by Giuseppina Marano
Latest Edition :  2020-12-12 20:29:33  by Giuseppina Marano

Source #2233
Main Edition IGLS XIII
Reference 1, 9002
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage A, l. 1-3
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution Διὶ [Κ]υ̣ρίῳ
καὶ Ἥρᾳ θεοῖς πατρῴ-
Transliteration Dii [K]uׅriôi
kai Hêrai theois patrôi-
French English
pour Zeus Seigneur et Héra Dieux Ancestraux for Zeus Lord and Hera Ancestral Gods
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts
#1 Designation soldat
Agencies Addresser
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses Citizen
Activities War
Commentary The soldier of the Third legio Cyrenaica has the tria nomina.
Le soldat de la IIIe légion Cyrenaica porte les tria nomina.
Commentary Waddington (I.Syrie, no. 1922) prefers to read Dii [Phra]triôi, but reading Dii [K]uriôi de Sourdel (p. 25) is preferable, the Y having been mistaken for a T by Waddington; the space he leaves between the second I and his T is a little narrow to accommodate three letters. For the Zeus Kurios honored here one can imagine an association with Baalshamin, whose worship is well attested in the Hauran. More strange is the mention of Hera which does not seem to have any particular cult in the area since this is the only monument where it appears, except a lintel of Suwayda representing the judgment of Pâris where she holds the role attributed to her by the myth without implying the existence of a cult of the goddess.
Waddington (I.Syrie, n°1922) préfère lire Dii [Phra]triôi, mais la lecture Dii [K]uriôi de Sourdel (p. 25) est préférable, le Y ayant pu être pris pour un T par Waddington ; l'espace qu'il laisse entre le second I et son T est un peu étroit pour loger trois lettres. Au sujet du Zeus Kurios honoré ici, on peut imaginer une association avec Baalshamin, dont le culte est bien attesté dans le Hauran. Plus étrange est la mention d'Héra qui ne semble jouir d'aucun culte particulier dans la région puisque c'est le seul monument où elle apparaît, si l'on excepte un linteau de Suwayda représentant le jugement de Pâris où elle tient le rôle que lui attribue le mythe sans que cela implique l'existence d'un culte de la déesse.
#1 Element #4 Ζεύς
Element in Context Διὶ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #26 Κύριος, α, ον
Element in Context Κυρίῳ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#3 Element #6 Ἥρα
Element in Context Ἥρᾳ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#4 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context θεοῖς
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#5 Element #34 Πατρῷος, α, ον
Element in Context πατρῴοις
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 ([{4}#{26}]+{6})#[{28}#{34}] 2 Giuseppina Marano

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