View Testimony #2883

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Creation :  2020-04-29 17:39:06  by Sylvain Lebreton
Latest Edition :  2021-10-31 18:37:09  by Sylvain Lebreton

Source #2157
Main Edition IG I 3
Reference 608
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage l. 1-2
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution σοί̣ (...) θεά (...)
παιδὶ Διὸς μεγάλο
Transliteration soi (...) thea (...)
paidi Dios mhegalo
French English
à toi, déesse (...), (Athéna) la fille du grand Zeus to you, goddess (...), (Athena) the daughter of the great Zeus
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts Offering , Prayer / Vow
Material Category Materials Quantity
Effigy Statue 1
#1 Designation Melanthuros
Agencies Addresser
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses
Commentary Agent #1 dedicated (anetheke) to the goddess "this agalma (i.e. the statue which stood on the pillar)" as a tithe, in fulfillment of a vow (euchsamenos dekaten).
L'Agent #1 a dédié (anetheke) à la déesse "cet agalma (i.e. la statue qui se dressait sur le pilier)" en guise de dîme, à la suite d'un voeu (euchsamenos dekaten).
#1 Element #429 Σύ, Ὑμεῖς
Element in Context σοί
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context θεά
Suffix ?
Morphological form Vocative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#3 Element #912 Παῖς
Element in Context παιδὶ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category Kinship / Domestic
#4 Element #4 Ζεύς
Element in Context Διὸς
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category Relational
#5 Element #93 Μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα
Element in Context μεγάλο
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 {429}/{28}/[{912}#[{4}#{93}]] 1 Sylvain Lebreton

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