View Testimony #2416

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Creation :  2020-04-09 18:19:32  by Daniela Bonanno
Latest Edition :  2021-02-01 10:39:56  by Sylvain Lebreton

Source #1872
Main Edition I.Mus. Palermo
Reference 49
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage l. 2-6
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution [δι]ὰ τὸν Δία νικο͂μες καὶ διὰ τὸν Φόβον [καὶ]
δ[ιὰ] ℎερακλέα καὶ δι’ Ἀπόλλονα καὶ διὰ Π[οτ]-
ει[δᾶ]να καὶ διὰ Τυνδαρίδας καὶ δι’ Ἀθ[α]-
ναίαν καὶ διὰ Μ[α]λοφόρον καὶ διὰ Πασι[κ]-
ρά[τ]ειαν καὶ διὰ τὸς ἄλλος θεός δ̣ιὰ δὲ Δία
Transliteration [di]a ton Dia nikomes kai dia ton Phobon [kai]
dia Heraklea kai di' Apollona kai dia P[ot]-
eidana kai dia Tundaridas kai di'Ath[a]-
naian kai dia M[a]lophoron kai dia Pasi[k]-
ra[t]eian kai dia tos allos theos dia de Dia
French English
C'est grâce à Zeus que nous sommes vainqueurs et grâce à Phobos et grâce à Héraclès et grâce à Apollon et grâce à Poséidon et grâce aux Tyndarides et grâce à Athéna et grâce à Malophoros et grâce à Pasikrateia et grâce aux autres dieux, grâce à Zeus surtout Thanks to Zeus we are victorious and thanks to Phobos and thanks to Herakles and thanks to Apollo and thanks to Poseidon and thanks to the Tyndarids and thanks to Athena and thanks to Malophoros and thanks to Pasikrateia and thanks to the other gods, thanks to Zeus above all
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts Offering , Thanksgiving , Commemoration
Occasion Category Occasion
War Victory
Material Category Materials Quantity
Graphic medium Other 1
#1 Designation Les Sélinontins
People from Selinous
Agencies Narrator / Utterer
Natures Human
Explicit Statuses Citizen , Association / Collectivity
Activities War
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Selinous (Selinousios) (IACP: 44)
Region Sicily and Malta
Sub-region Sicily
Place Selinus   View on Pleiades   37.5826091, 12.82520619
Topographies River , Shore
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Selinous (Selinousios) (IACP: 44)
Region Sicily and Malta
Sub-region Sicily
Place Selinus   View on Pleiades   37.5826091, 12.8252062
Site Apollonion
Functions Cult
Commentary eis to Apollonion kaththemen
eis to Apollonion kaththemen
#1 Element #4 Ζεύς
Element in Context τὸν Δία
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #1161 Φόβος
Element in Context τὸν Φόβον
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category War / Violence
#3 Element #17 Ἡρακλῆς
Element in Context ℎερακλέα
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#4 Element #1 Ἀπόλλων
Element in Context Ἀπόλλονα
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#5 Element #18 Ποσειδῶν
Element in Context Ποτειδᾶνα
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#6 Element #1162 Τυνδᾰρίδης
Element in Context Τυνδαρίδας
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#7 Element #15 Ἀθήνη / Ἀθηνᾶ
Element in Context Ἀθαναίαν
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#8 Element #1151 Μαλοφόρος, ος, ον
Element in Context Μαλοφόρον
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#9 Element #1163 Πασικράτεια / Πασικράτα
Element in Context Πασικράτειαν
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#10 Element #74 Ἄλλος, η, ο
Element in Context ἄλλος
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#11 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context τὸς θεός
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#12 Element #4 Ζεύς
Element in Context Δία
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 {4}+{1161}+{17}+{1}+{18}+{1162}+{15}+{1151}+{1163}+[{28}#{74}]+{4} 10 Daniela Bonanno

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