View Testimony #2293

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Creation :  2020-04-04 20:38:33  by Giuseppina Marano
Latest Edition :  2020-12-12 21:23:44  by Giuseppina Marano

Source #1770
Main Edition IGLS XV
Reference 275
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage A, l. 2
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution Θ<ε>ῷ Αυμου
Transliteration Th<e>ôi Aumou
French English
pour le Dieu d'Aumos for the God of Aumos
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts Offering , Construction / Decoration / Repairing
#1 Designation La communauté d'Agraina
The community of Agraina
to koinon Agrainês
Agencies Addresser
Natures Human
Explicit Statuses Citizen , Association / Collectivity
Commentary The word koinon is common in the Hauran, it is not very different from that of kômê, but emphasizes the organic aspect of the village community.
Le mot koinon est fréquent dans le Hauran, il n’est pas très différent de celui de kômê, mais met l’accent sur l’aspect organique de la communauté villageoise.
#2 Designation Trésoriers sacrés
sacred treasurers
Agencies Addresser
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses Citizen
Activities Cult , Authority / Politics
#3 Designation Trésoriers sacrés
sacred treasurers
Agencies Addresser
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses Citizen
Activities Cult , Authority / Politics
Commentary The God of Aumos is attested several times in Deir al-Leben (IGLS XVI, 24), Damatha (IGLS XV, 298 and 299), Agraina-Lubbein (IGLS XV 276) and Harran (IGLS XV 259). The inscription shows that in the fourth century people continue to speak of the god of Aumos and not of Zeus-Helios as Sourdel claims (p. 56).
Le Dieu d'Aumos est plusieurs fois attesté, à Deir al-Leben (IGLS XVI, 24), Damatha (IGLS XV, 298 et 299), Agraina-Lubbein (IGLS XV 276) et Harran (IGLS XV 259). L'inscription montre qu'au IVe siècle on continue à parler du dieu d'Aumos et non de Zeus-Hélios comme le prétend Sourdel (p. 56).
#1 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context Θεῷ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Dative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #1102 Αυμος
Element in Context Αυμου
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 {28}#{1102} 1 Giuseppina Marano

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