View Testimony #1894

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Creation :  2020-03-16 10:30:17  by Barbara Bolognani
Latest Edition :  2021-12-27 19:14:14  by Nourelhouda Elomri

Source #1472
Main Edition IGLS XIV
Reference 408
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage l. 3-4
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution Θεοῦ
βοηθοῦντος πρὸ τὰς ἑμᾶς εὐχὰς
Transliteration Theou
boêthountos pro tas hemas euchas
French English
du Dieu secourable envers nos prières of the God helpful to our prayers
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts Commentary / Statement , Construction / Decoration / Repairing
Occasion Category Occasion
Personal life Funeral / Death
Material Category Materials Quantity
Funerary Grave / Tomb 1
#1 Designation Annianos surnommé Iousês, de ceux de (la famille de) Karos, Juif
Annianos nicknamed Iouses, of those of the Karos (family), Jew
Agencies Narrator / Utterer
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses Family
Commentary Funerary monumental inscription of Annianos stating the construction of graves upon his properties. Annianos and his family are part of a small Jewish community in Neapolis (Al-Shaykh Maskin), therefore, the "helping god" should be identified with Yahweh.
Inscription monumentale funéraire d'Annianos indiquant la construction de tombes sur ses propriétés. Annianos et sa famille font partie d'une petite communauté juive à Neapolis (Al-Shaykh Maskin) ; le "dieu aidant" doit être identifié à Yahvé.
#1 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context Θεοῦ
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #877 βοηθέω
Element in Context βοηθοῦντος
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#3 Element #404 Ἐγώ, Ἡμεῖς
Element in Context ἑμὰς
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Feminine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#4 Element #1029 Εὐχή
Element in Context πρὸ τὰς εὐχὰς
Suffix ?
Morphological form Accusative
Gender Feminine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 {28}#[{877}#[{404}#{1029}]] 1 Thomas Galoppin

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