View Testimony #1811

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Creation :  2020-03-12 12:14:06  by Corinne Bonnet
Latest Edition :  2020-11-08 14:54:58  by Corinne Bonnet

Source #1403
Main Edition IGLS VII
Reference 4002
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage l. 3-4
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution ὁ πάντων ἐναργέστα-
[τος θεῶν ....]
Transliteration ho pantôn enargesta-
[tos theôn
French English
le plus manifeste de tous les dieux the more manifest of all gods
Quality of reading (2) Probable reading
Connected Acts Prescription / Command , Thanksgiving
Occasion Category Occasion
Divine sign Epiphany
Material Category Materials Quantity
Plant Other
#1 Designation le quartier de Zeus Kronos
the district fo Zeus Kronos
to amphodon Dios Kronou
Agencies Beneficiary / Target , Addresser
Natures Human
Explicit Statuses Association / Collectivity
Commentary The district is the beneficiary of the apparition of the god and the recipient of the offering.
Le quartier est bénéficiaire de l'apparition du dieu et destinateur de l'offrande.
Commentary The inscription is incomplete, but it appears that the god ordered the district to make an offering, using an epiphany.
L'inscription est incomplète, mais on comprend que le dieu a ordonné au district d'effectuer une offrande, à la suite d'une épiphanie.
#1 Element #78 Πᾶς, Πᾶσα, Πᾶν
Element in Context πάντων
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
#2 Element #947 ἐναργής, ής, ές / ἐνεργής, ής, ές
Element in Context ἐναργέστατος
Suffix ?
Morphological form Nominative
Gender Masculine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#3 Element #28 Θεός, Θεά
Element in Context θεῶν
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Masculine
Number Plural
Contextual Category
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 [{78}#{28}]#{947} 1 Corinne Bonnet

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