View Testimony #16046

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Creation :  2022-05-20 16:44:05  by Inès Bonnabot
Latest Edition :  2022-08-10 11:13:22  by Inès Bonnabot

Source #12966
Main Edition I.Didyma
Reference 504
Validation Validated (Open Access)
Passage l. 13
Linked Testimonies (0)
With restitution τῆς παιδὸς αὐτῆς
Transliteration tês padios autês
French English
(autel) de son enfant (celle de Déméter) (altar) of her child (Demeter's)
Quality of reading (1) Confident reading
Connected Acts Placing / Deplacing
Occasion Category Occasion
Divine sign Oracle
Material Category Materials Quantity
Architecture Altar
#1 Designation Le prophète d'Apollon de Didymes, Damianos.
The prophet of Apollo of Didyma, Damianos.
ho prophêtês sou (l. 2)
Agencies Narrator / Utterer
Natures Human
Genders Male
Explicit Statuses Foreigner
Activities Cult
Real ? Yes
Political Entity Kyzikos (Kyzikenos) (IACP: 747)
Region Asia Minor
Sub-region Mysia
Place Cyzicus   View on Pleiades   40.3855645, 27.883191
Topographies Isthmus
Commentary As the goddess Kore Soteira is not attested in Miletus, L. Robert assumes that Damianos comes from Cyzicus, where Kore Soteira is the great goddess of the city (Documents d'Asie Mineure [1987], pp. 167).
Comme la déesse Korè Sôteira n'est pas attestée à Milet, L. Robert suppose que Damianos est originaire de Cyzique, où Korè Sôteira est la grande déesse de la cité (Documents d'Asie Mineure [1987], p. 167).
Commentary The periphrasis refers to Kore Soteira (see Testimony #16034).
Agent #1 asks (l. 2-3: erôtai) the Master of Didyma, Helios Apollo (Testimony #16035) if it is possible to erect an altar to the goddess (l. 12-13: hidrusasthai bômon) next to the altar of her mother, Demeter Karpophoros (Testimony #16036).
La périphrase désigne Korè Sôteira (cf. Attestation #16034).
L'Agent #1 demande (l. 2-3 : erôtai) au Maître de Didymes, Hélios Apollon (Attestation #16035) s'il est possible d'ériger un autel à la déesse (l. 12-13 : hidrusasthai bômon) à côté de l'autel de sa mère, Déméter Karpophoros (Attestation #16036).
#1 Element #912 Παῖς
Element in Context τῆς παιδὸς
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category
#2 Element #743 Αὐτός, αὐτή, αὐτό
Element in Context αὐτῆς
Suffix ?
Morphological form Genitive
Gender Feminine
Number Singular
Contextual Category Relational
Position Formula Divine Powers Creator
#1 {912}#{743} 1 Inès Bonnabot

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